Mar 3, 2021

Breaking the Rules for Art Daily Cafe


Hello Crafty Friends!

It's Anat here with my take on my own  theme for March and Moodboard by our dear Tusia - Breaking the Rules!

I have chosen this theme because I felt I was very attached to certain rules I have created to myself, based on many different issues and which I had to allow myself to let go.

In the history of Art, many Artists did choose at one point to deliberately break the rules of their time, rules about composition, perspective, narration, etc . While breaking those rules they did create some breakthrough works of Art. As said before by Pablo Picasso: "Learn the Rules as a Pro, so you can break them like an Artist!"

Breaking the rules doesn’t have to be so dramatic, it can be just a decision to ignore a rule of composition or just take risks with your style.

I challenge you to join me and break some of the confining rules that you have accepted as truth... Rules you've imposed upon your Art.

Thanks for stopping by!
